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Category Archives: Ice Fractures

A hotel in Atlanta recently purchased one of my photos taken at the Apostle Islands during a visit to the ice caves. They plan to use it in all 200 of their rooms.

On one of the rare sunny days we have had recently I walked out on frozen Lake Menomin to take some ice photos.


Ice fractures are a subject that I love to photograph but all too frequently can’t find during the winter. Conditions have to be just right to find them. There has to be a stretch of cold weather that freezes the water. There can’t be much snow, no sleet or rain nor can it thaw and freeze. This year things came together at the Apostle Islands Ice Caves. There was open water followed by a very cold stretch and no snow to speak of. While everyone else was wandering around looking at the ice caves I was spending time looking for beautiful examples of ice fractures. Given the amount of clear ice they were not hard to find. The ice was so clear in some spots that I could see the bottom of the lake.













More photos from the Apostle Islands Ice Caves can be found on my website.