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Category Archives: Eastern Yellowjacket

The one of the few late summer flowers in my prairie is the Canada Goldenrod. It is reaching its full bloom now. Because it is one of the few flowers blooming at this time of year it is the food source for a large number of critters. Yesterday I walked through the prairie and noticed over fifteen different types of bees, bugs and  butterflies. It seems to be the primary food source for the Monarch Butterflies as they get ready to leave for Mexico. I’m a little concerned that the Monarchs are a little late in hatching this year and the Goldenrod is already in full bloom. Here are some of the critters I found in my goldenrod patch this week.

Monarch Butterflies

Great Spangled Fritillary

Red Admiral

Milbert's Tortoiseshell


Honey Bee


Eastern Yellowjacket

Daddy Longlegs

Bumble Bee