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Category Archives: Spring

There are a lot of flowers out on the Red Cedar Trail. Large-flowered Trillium are covering the hills.

In the marsh areas along the trail the Marsh Marigolds and Skunk Cabbage are out.

The Trout Lillies are blooming along some sections of the trail.

The trees are just starting to get their leaves.


A favorite spring photograph subject is spring tree buds.

Early morning dew was hanging off of some Blackberry bushes. More photos from Hoffman Hills can be found on my website.

During the Easter snowstorm there were a lot of American Goldfinches around. Many of them were changing to their summer colors.


It’s unusual to find a Mourning Dove at my feeders. He just seemed to be hanging around and taking in the early morning one.


Since things are a little slow I took the opportunity to photograph some of the reeds along one of the ponds at Hoffman Hills. More photos from Hoffman Hills can be found on my website.


We were out for a walk on this beautiful spring day and noticed a large number of flowers on the Red Cedar Trail.

Marsh Marigolds


Common Blue Violet

Spring Beauty

My wife and I took a walk along the Red Cedar Trail. There were a variety of flowers out. Spring Beauty seemed to be the most prominent. There were still a few Marsh Marigolds around. I managed a few shots of backlit leaves. It seems the wind has been blowing all spring and this day was no exception so all of the shots were hand held.

Spring Beauty

Spring Beauty

Marsh Marigold

Marsh Marigold

Backlit Leaves

Backlit Leaves

One of the subjects I like to photograph in the spring are the buds and leaves as the emerge in the spring. Some of the colors of spring are just as good as those of fall.




Several weeks ago I had an opportunity to walk around Canal Park just as the ice was clearing out of the harbor. There were large numbers of Common Goldeneyes diving in the harbor. They were really fun to watch as they, all of a sudden would dive into the water and then pop to the surface. As we watched a bunch of them were under the water and all of a sudden seem to fly out of the water and into the air.



As I was watching the goldeneyes I noticed a pair of Mallards acting a little strangely in the foreground of the photo I was composing. As a watched they started to mate in the water. When they were done they took off at high speed.  




