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Category Archives: Presque Isle River

With a lot of water in the river there were not many close-up shots available. I concentrated on trying to get some water pattern shots. The brown color of the water is the result of tannic acid in the water.


We walked along the boardwalk to Manabezho Falls . There was a lot of water going over the falls.


When we arrived at the Presque Isle River parking area there were quite a few people looking at the fall leaves. There were enough people walking across the bridge at the mouth of the River that it took a while to get any shots. The river was a little high to get the iconic shots of the rocks below the bridge.

There was some nice color at the mouth of the river.

While the fall colors in the interior were nearly at their peal the colors along the shore were a couple of weeks away.


We met a friend for breakfast before parting. We headed over to the Presque Isle River on Highway 519. This was the last week in September and the colors in the interior were almost at their peak. Even though it was raining the it was a beautiful drive.

After hiking the Union Mine Trail in the Porcupine Mountains we drove through the park on the South Boundary Road to the Presque Isle River. Our intent was to walk the loop trail along the river. Unfortunately the fall colors were not that great so we decided to walk along the boardwalk to check out the waterfalls. Normally on a visit to the River we stop for some photos of the bowls from the suspension bridge. This is the iconic shot that everyone takes. Unfortunately this year there was so much water in the river that the bowls were covered in water. This is a shot from an earlier visit.


We walked across the bridge to the island and down to the mouth of the Presque Isle River.


The water was still low enough that we could walk along the east side of the river following to the North Country Trail.


We then headed back to the suspension bridge and hike along the boardwalk to Manabezho Falls.


After a few photos we continued on to Manido Falls before returning to the car.


On a beautiful fall day we spent the morning walking the circle trail around the mouth of the Presque Isle River. In addition to the waterfalls there was some nice fall colors all along the river.

More fall photos from the Presque Isle River can be found on my website.




Manido Falls is the other major waterfall on the Presque Isle River. While not as tall as Manabezho Falls it offers more of an opportunity for intimate photographs.

More fall photos from the Presque Isle River can be found on my website.





Manabezho Falls is the largest waterfall on the Presque Isle River. It is located on the western end of the Porcupine Wilderness State Park. The day we were there was a beautiful fall day and we had time to walk the trail on both sides of the river.

More fall photos from the Presque Isle River can be found on my website.




On a recent fall trip to the U.P. of Michigan we spent a beautiful morning walking the trail along the Presque Isle River. Storm clouds out over the lake made for a interesting backdrop and also provided some nice light for photographing waterfalls.




On our second day in the Porcupine Mountains we drove down to the mouth of the Presque Isle River. We wanted to get down early before the sun started shining on the river but as it turned out there was a storm out in the lake and the sun was in and out of the clouds.

Our first stop was the foot bridge across the river. The bridge provides the location for an iconic Porkies shot. The water levels were a bit low but I still managed a decent shot. On an earlier trip I saw a small animal fall into the river and get trapped in one of the potholes on the left side of the river. Unfortunately he didn’t make it out.


For this shot I just turned around and photographed the river as it headed out to Lake Superior. We were a little concerned about the black clouds.


We walked out to the lake and could see the storm heading out way. Fortunately it turned out that we only had some sprinkles during out time at the Presque Isle River.
