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Category Archives: Bottle Gentian

We’ve had a few nice days recently so I took the opportunity to hike a couple of sections of the Red Cedar State Trail. There were quite a few hikers and bikers taking advantage of the nice weather.Red-Cedar-State-Trail-14-9-_1875

The fall leaves are starting to turn along the trail. The Sumac is in full color right now.Sumac-Red-Cedar-State-Trail-14-9-_1836

I also saw a number of butterflies along the trail. This Eastern Comma posed for me.Eastern-Comma-14-9-_1839

I stopped to take a photo of a Bumble Bee on this Bottle Gentian flower. As I was getting ready to take the photo the flower seemed to eat the bee. As it turns out the Bumble Bee is one of the few insects that can pollinate the Bottle Gentian. It is strong enough to pry the flower open and get inside of the flower.Bottle-Gentian-14-9-_1819