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Category Archives: Black-capped Chickadee

A few shots from the farm this past week.

Black-capped chickadee

Blue Jay


Black Squirrels have become quite common in western Wisconsin. However, this is the first one I’ve seen on the farm.

Black Squirrel

This Black-capped Chickadee was having a hard time of it in the wind and snow.

I had been trying to capture shots of Black-capped chickadees in mid flight. Unfortunately it was snowing heavily and was too dark to get good crisp shots. What I ended up with is what I call Chickadee abstracts.

It’s the second year in a row that we have had a blizzard in April. It started snowing on Wednesday afternoon and snowed into Thursday. Thursday brought very strong winds a blowing snow even though the snow was wet. We also had a reddish colored snow. When I went out for a walk I noticed the top inch of snow was a reddish color. Turns out it was dust blown in from New Mexico and Texas. We ended up with about a foot of snow.

I think I noted that about three weeks ago all of the Dark-eyed Juncos disappeared and I haven’t seen one since. However, on Wednesday a few of the turned up at my feeders. On Thursday morning I looked out and there were 30+ of them scattered over a wide area on the ground. The strong winds had blown bird seed over a wide area in the lawn. They were present all day in large numbers.

The other bird I’ve not seen for a while is the American Goldfinch. They also turned up in large numbers. I noticed that they had started to turn color since I had last seen them.

There were a variety of other birds at the feeders during the storm.

White-breasted Nuthatch

Song Sparrow

Northern Cardinal – female

Northern Cardinal – male

Downy Woodpecker

Black-capped Chickadee

I thought when I removed a bunch of the landscaping around the house that the chickadees would stay away but that hasn’t been the case.

Some days I’m not able to get many photos of Chickadees because they move around so fast. However, during the snow storm they seemed to spend a little more time on their perches.


These are a few of the birds I’ve seen around the feeder the last few weeks.

Northern Cardinal

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Downy Woodpecker

Blue Jay

Black-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee

Hairy Woodpecker

Blue Jay

American Goldfinch



Some of the other birds at my feeder during the recent snowstorm.

Dark-eyed Junco

House Sparrow

White-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Black-capped Chickadee




Normally I have problems photographing Black-capped Chickadees because the move around so quickly but this year it hasn’t been a problem.