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Category Archives: Baltimore Oriole

After the orioles fledged there were plenty of food fights. Since I was around this summer I only put out a single grape jelly feeder. The result was usually five or six orioles queued up to eat at the feeder.


Lots of Baltimore Orioles around again this summer.


I typically put up at least three jelly feeders. This year since I have been home most of the summer I only put up a single feeder and then filled it every day. The result was the orioles had to stand in line to get at the feeder and there were quite a few fights.


I haven’t figured out why Baltimore Orioles are so enthralled with grape jelly. It is really a mess to eat and they spend a lot of time trying to get it off of their beaks.


The Baltimore Orioles returned several weeks ago. The males were the first to arrive and they have now been joined by the females. They usually hang out around the feeders for a few weeks before disappearing to raise they young. The will return to the feeders later in the spring with their young.


I had two Baltimore Orioles at my feeder this morning.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Just a few of the birds around the feeder this summer.

American Goldfinch

Downy Woodpecker

Chipping Sparrow

Baltimore Oriole

This past week the Baltimore Orioles have returned in large numbers. They usually hang around the feeders for a few weeks until they start raising their young. Once the young are out of the nest they will return to the feeders.

So far this year I’ve had Baltimore and Orchard Orioles at my grape jelly feeder. There is also a pair of Grey Catbirds nesting near the feeder and they also like the jelly. The occasional Rose-breasted Grosbeaks also stop at the jelly feeder. The Orioles are not happy when other birds are feeding at “their” feeder.

Baltimore Orioles

Orchard Oriole

Grey Catbird

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

It has been a strange year. Normally the orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds all turn up at my feeders at the same time. This year the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks turned up and it wasn’t until a couple of weeks later that the Baltimore Orioles turned up. The next week the hummingbirds turned up. The males of the species always turn up first and withing a week the females turn up. The Baltimore Orioles far outnumber the Orchard Orioles.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Orchard Oriole

Orchard Oriole