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My wife and I headed down to Perrot State Park on a beautiful warm weekday. In fact we found it to be a little too warm for hiking. We first hiked up the Perrot Ridge trail which offered nice views of the interior of the park.

After hiking for over an hour we came down from Perrot Ridge and took the trail up Brady’s Bluff. We were on the south side of the bluff on a very warm fall day. Once we came out of the woods we encountered the largest number of Asian Lady Beetles I’ve ever seen. We were both covered in Asian Lady Beetles and they started to bite.



Normally we stop at the top of Brady’s Bluff for a snack and to enjoy the view but the beetles were so bad that we raced to the top and down the other side.


As with most places we visited this fall the leaf colors were very muted and were mostly earth tones and yellows. There were very few reds this year.


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