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I’ve been out to Hoffman Hills several times the past week photographing flowers. There are a wide variety of late spring flowers blooming in the prairie and wetlands areas west of the access road with more flowers on the way. There are a couple that I haven’t been able to identify so if you know what they are let me know.

Prairie Smoke

Wild Lupine

Unknown Flower

Unknown Flower


Red Clover

Orange Hawkweed


Goat's Beard

Canada Hawkweed

Blue Flag Iris

Culver's Root










One Comment

  1. The first time I saw pictures of prairie smoke, Geum triflorum, I thought it must be a relative of the Clematis drummondii that we have in Texas, so similar are the plumy fibers in the two species. For the past few day’s I’ve been posting pictures of the Texas species if you’d care to compare their featheriness:

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